The Question That Changed My Life.

11 years ago, I learned that a co-worker had his own paranormal investigation team. Not one to shy away from new experiences I asked him, “Can I go with you sometime?”

I didn’t know it then, but that question would radically change my life.

In the last 11 years I’ve been lucky to learn the ropes about paranormal investigating with not just one experienced team, but two. I learned about the equipment investigators use to communicate with spirits, the methods spirits can use to indeed communicate with us, and how to trust my own senses when communicating with spirits. The more I learned, the more driven I was to continue. Thankfully, the paranormal is an expanse of unknowns, just waiting to be understood. Every investigation leaves me with more questions about what happens when we die, but also gives me a greater understanding of how to make the most of our lives while we are still here. Communicating with spirits who have been left to search for someone they love or left with questions unanswered has a very powerful and poignant way of confronting our own sense of humanity.

A few years ago I experienced some changes in my life that left me unable to investigate as much as I would’ve liked to. The next logical step was to find people who wanted to begin this journey just as I had 11 years ago. Nick and I began to form the idea of 6 Between Paranormal during a long, late car ride home one night after a public investigation at an old theater. This first conversation was mostly the incoherent babble of extremely tired parents up way past their bedtime, but the idea stuck with us and started to grow. By the time we were able to bring some friends along on an investigation a short time later, we knew we had the makings for a strong paranormal team! The rest, as they say, is history.

Nothing would make me happier than you joining us our journey, learning about the realm of the paranormal, and maybe becoming inspired to ask questions that could change your own life.