Ashmore Estates

Our Findings

Not afraid of change

In this clip, Jesse is wandering alone by the nurses station on the 3rd floor of Ashmore Estates with his handheld camera. As he got to the top of the stairs he walked into the ADP room to the right and then walked right back out. For some reason Jesse reports he felt the urge to go back into the ADP room. After he goes back into the room and does a circle, he walks back out and his handheld camera pick up 2 EVP’s, one after the other. Listen carefully, as Jesse did not hear these sounds with his own ears.


Before our group welcoming session on the 3rd floor, Jesse ran down to base camp on the 1st floor to grab the audio recorder. He took his handheld camera along with him and caught an EVP on his camera when headed back up to the group on the 3rd floor. When he was coming up the stairs he stopped on the 2nd floor where there is a presentation room set up. He decided to take a moment and check out the room, as he said he had a feeling to look in. Not hearing or seeing anything himself, he decided to head back up to the 3rd floor. The voice on his camera was later caught in evidence review



As Jesse was wandering around on the 3rd floor of Ashmore Estates, he took a moment to sit and pause. At first it may not seem like much is happening. But after watching the footage in evidence review and talking with Jesse, there seems to be multiple thing happing here. Jesse is active and engaging as he is exploring. At some point Jesse yawls and states he's suddenly tired for some reason, then goes quiet for several minutes without moving. Watch to the left of Jesse's as a small light anomaly seems to leave his upper body.