Indiana State Sanatorium

Rockville, Indiana


Frozen In Time

Indiana State Sanatorium was a self-sustained complex built in the early 1900’s to house and treat patients with tuberculosis. Over time, the grounds saw the additions of a psychiatric hospital and nursing home. In 2011, the state of Indiana discontinued it’s funding of the facility due to mismanagement and the patients were sent to other facilities in the state and the doors were locked permanently. Patient belongings and facility equipment where left behind, many things left standing in the exact place they were when the doors were locked. The facility opened for paranormal investigations in 2020 after being purchased by it’s current owners.

Walking through Indiana State Sanatorium was like a journey through time - encountering photographs, personal notes and letters, and clothing along the way. Some of us felt more comfortable than others among the long, dark hallways and rooms still containing the personal items of other people, but there didn’t seem to be an overwhelming sense of dark energy or spirits with negative intentions. If anything, I think most of us left with the impression that most spirits were just observing or just plain shy.

We experienced enough activity to believe that there are still patients and staff at Indiana State Sanatorium, from multiple disembodied voices to doors opening by themselves to intelligent interactions with our equipment - maybe next time they will be more anxious to interact with us.

Indiana State Sanatorium Photo Gallery

 “The best thing we can do is go on with our daily routine.”

-One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest