Personal experiences can change everything.

Before I started investigating, if anyone had asked me, “do you want to go ghost hunting?” I would’ve responded with a very confused “ghost hunting…? No.

Now, I have to admit, I’ve had some strange experiences in my life, ones I really couldn’t explain, but wouldn’t credit to the paranormal. I wasn’t a believer, I needed to see for myself. Thankfully, Nick and Angie invited us on an investigation. This investigation was the experience that sealed the deal; the belief that there is “something” after death.

Looking at this picture, one could think, “that’s just a reflection.” I feel differently. When this photo was taken we were hosting a spirit box session in the kitchen of this house (the unlit room in the back). Upstairs, we had the spirit box; the handler had headphones on and was blindfolded. This is known as the Estes Method in the paranormal field. As I asked questions, answers came through here and there; they seemed a bit stand-offish. But, it didn’t take long for the answers to become more direct. I had never done anything like this, I didn’t know what to expect. I start asking more personal questions, trying to get some type of evidence. Then, it happened. The moment that would change everything for me.

I will never forget that moment and the line of questions that led up to it. In the pitch darkness, coming from the doorway, into the kitchen where I was sitting, something crossed right in front me. I saw what I can only explain as a blue, pulsating orb, roughly the size of a softball. As it passed me I was overcome by panic and sadness… sadness to the point of breaking down and crying uncontrollably. I left immediately, I had to get out of that house for a bit. The team followed right behind me, confused. They had no idea what was going on while they were upstairs; they could hear me, but they couldn’t see me.

Nothing of that magnitude happened again that night. But, the next day, after we all got back home and settled in from our trip, we discovered this picture. It is exactly what I saw in that dark room. This photo is the foundation of why I continue to look for answers.