Skeptic who is gradually becoming a believer!

I am a true skeptic; the type of person who is fairly hard to sway. However, through my years of learning about the paranormal field, I have slowly realized that the “obvious,” is not always what it seems.

It all started for me when I was learning Eastern healing techniques at the massage school I attended. I started to learn about how everyone has an “energy field” that is just as important to maintain as their physical body. I noticed how energy work truly affected people’s mentality and well-being. Then I started to think about how we can actually recognize when we are around people with positive or negative auras, without anyone saying a word. I reluctantly put two and two together, and realized… “holy cow, there’s actually something to this!”

Even though I have always been very skeptical and tend to analyze things in depth, I have also always been one to say “anything is possible.” Before 6 Between was founded, I had the pleasure of getting into the paranormal field by attending many investigations with Angie. I thought that I knew what I was getting into by watching all the TV shows, but I had no idea what I would actually experience first hand on my first investigation. I still remember to this day, the hair rising on the back of my neck, when a voice said, “hello.

Being the skeptic I am, I chalked it up to nothing, and did the natural thing a man would do: puffed up my chest and stood in the corner of the pitch dark room. You know, just in case I had to bum rush the talking spider I heard. As I stood there trying not to think about it, I hear it again… “hello…”

At that point the skeptic in me ran outside and left the believer in me nervous, and swiftly directing me to Angie so she could save me! That particular investigation was actually very emotional when we reviewed the evidence. It was amazing to see how the energy of this particular location came through the evidence we caught that evening. Thus my love for this industry and its many facets was created.

One of my favorite roles that I play in the group is the protector. If I feel like someone is getting overwhelmed, or is needed to be taken away from a situation, I tend to be the first one to jump in and pull them out. By doing this, the group has officially given me the title of “Papa Nick.”

I truly look forward to meeting you all and learning something from each and every one of you on this new journey with 6 Between Paranormal.