Paranormal Man of Mystery.

Curiosity makes me who I am. If it can move, drive, or turn on and off, I want to know how it works. I’ve learned how to fix everything from cars to electricity problems and believe me, my friends have taken full advantage of the knowledge I’ve gained over the years!

At a young age, I saw a spirit in my family home. Being a child at the time, I didn’t really understand what I was experiencing. My mom also would see the same entity but we didn’t discover this until we talked about when I was an adult. I started to search for answers and feeling spirits around me became a big part of my life. As an adult, this sense has developed into being able to feel exactly where these entities are at in a home or any haunted space.

I’ve recently joined the group as an investigator and have brought my sense of curiosity with me! The group has been very welcoming and I hope to bring a new perspective to the locations we visit using my sensitive abilities.