The Monroe House

Chaotically active.

The Monroe House, located in Hartford City, Indiana has quite a reputation, but is surprisingly unknown by the locals. The history behind the house isn’t the usual story that ends with a haunting. In fact, no one is known to have died in the house. Activity occurs so often that the owner has halted the remodel and opened it to paranormal investigators. Since then, it seems rare that a team leaves the house empty handed.

This was the longest investigation we have been on. 42 hours of non-stop investigating in this incredibly active house left us drained. There is rumor that the Monroe house can have a negative impact on teams that visit the house, resulting in some people leaving the paranormal altogether. Even though we do try to always be prepared for what we may encounter, it seems that the house had other plans. From windows breaking to head injuries, this place kept us on our toes!