Villisca Axe Murder House

Our Findings

Are you sleeping?

We sent our man Murphy up to the kids’ room to spend some alone time. Usually when doing isolation sessions we send a team member in to spend some time alone. Murphy is laying down on the bed to the right . Keep your eye on the wall between him and the crib.


Fun with old cameras.

This was caught on an old VHS camcorder at the Villisca Axe Murder house in Villisca Iowa. The flash that appears at the top of the screen does not appear anywhere else on the tape. It's an old, dusty house and the camera caught lots of things floating around that we identify as dust or the occasional bug. But we found this to be interesting. We've used the same camera in other investigations and still have not seen a "flash" on any other footage.


First Time for Everything

This photo is very special to our team. During our first visit to the Axe Murder House, Jesse had a profound experience during a spirit box session. (Click Here to hear Jesse’s story) Angie was surprised to see this green anomaly in the photo she had taken in the living room of the house. Not only because she knew what Jesse had experienced but also because she knew that she couldn’t write off this anomaly as a lens flare. We had confirmation of Jesse’s story!

For those who are quick to write off ALL anomalies in photographs ( and please understand, we know why it’s so important to write off so many!) please click here and take a few moments to read about lens flares. Understanding why our cameras produce lens flares and how they appear in photographs is an important step in learning how to decipher between an explainable anomaly or paranormal.

Ghostly Footsteps

During an isolation session, Angie hears footsteps in the kitchen above her. Murph was doing his isolation session in a kids’ bedroom on the 2nd floor. To verify that he wasn’t walking around, Angie walkies to base camp and confirms that no one else was walking around. These footsteps remained unexplained.